Brief 1 : Mindfulness Book

First off, please be aware this is a made up Brief to explore Ria’s own creative work and show the process to final result by next Monday, the client is of Ria Katrina Pryke’s choice as she would love to explore this area of focusing on her first challenge. 
So reading this, I have an audience and a great mix of inspirations to look at, so first things first I choose T.S Elliot Old possums book of practical cats, one image which is inspired by egypt. Lead me to look at Egyptian cats statues. And then I decided to look at pop art, cartoon comics and symmetry part of the clients wants for the theme. 

For Symmetry, I will deal with in the next phase next day, when making my sketches gone digital from hand drawn using Capture. 

The client has put forward that it has to be a black and white mindfulness drawing book to colour in a part from the front and back page, to inspire and look after the wellbeing of staff / workers within the company, which due to convid means we can only dream of holidays so I thought for a client, why not produce a holiday wellbeing book that is inspired from cyprus, shells, boats, cats, and much much more to help people remain calm, de stressed and motivated creatively. 

Deadline 22nd February 2021. 

I like this image because of the prints and colour balance and shapes played around digitally from illustrator. I like the details of the dots surrounding the lemon. 
This one, tells a story very quickly visually and I like the way the story broken up in to boxes. I can feel the emotion in the characters faces and expressions. 
Pop art I can see from the image that it is very powerful with words something I can consider in my drawings to add positive affirmations. 
This ones as a comic book is more simplistic and easy to read also the colours are grey black and white with a peach colour I like. 
For this I like the portraits of pop art as there is so much feelings on their faces and the colours both top and bottom use I feel is relatable to doing make up during convid and colouring hair. It also makes me want to play with the texture digitally in illustrator. 
These cartoons are full of so much perfection and details I feel I can learn from creating cute versions of the characters for practise. Till I find the right cat for the main character. 
Compared to the others these two artists use water colours and I feel that is could’ve very calming to have some sort of water colour version in black and white I wish to explore tomorrow before going digital as I have three styles I need to come up with before Thursday. 
This book by T.S Eliot, has been a very interesting one, to look through, as it directed me towards looking at Egyptian cats from one of the pages. 
So I decided to look at some styles of Disney stories to compare the illustrations for some inspiration towards my own works, and i decided I would explore fine lines as they do at Disney seen to use movement a lot and thick to thin lines to express this. 
This next ones of Alice in wonderland I like it because it’s beautifully hand drawn and the composition looks well thought through 

These are my illustrations in process at the moment down below, I’m developing a little sense of humour with the Egyptian cat, wearing Egyptian shaped sun glasses, a tattoo of a Egyptian rah eye and making him have a slight tummy, it actually reminds me of the cat from The American Tail film because of his jaw. And also added Egyptian wings to them. 

Day Two .... 

I hope you like my designs I will be doing some more next day and presenting the process using water colours and hand drawn elements, before entering the computer digitally via Capture and experimenting on touch screen. 

Thanks for following! 
Made an announcement getting lots and lots of interest! 
Hi All, I’m an illustrator from Miss Ikigai & Ukiyo Illustrations UK. Please get in touch if you would like a free mindfulness colouring book called Catch Me If You Can Flamingo. Set in a holiday destination of Cyprus. It’s a free pdf in black and white, on Monday ready to be sent out for your friendly office workers at home or students needing to de stress. Email me at Best Wishes Ria Katrina Pryke.

Less Ink More Love Brand, Miss Ikigai & Ukiyo studios LL (London/ Limassol)

“Less Ink More Love” Ikigai & Ukiyo Studios LL (London/Limassol) by Ria Katrina Pryke : Character Artist and Story board Artist / Remotely wks globally


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