Story Building / Character Design

This week I have been letting my hand draw abstract quick illustrations to tell stories within stories. 

I can’t go in to detail right now the story concept as it’s a personal project based on my experience/s but I am developing it on influences in my surroundings from personal objects I have collected as a
Mood board and put in to my brain storm concept.  

But I offer you a glimpse in to the illustration process happening this week it will be further then drawn in to the story building previously drawn in colour. 

I’m at the beginning so will see where it leads next.... 

Visual story boarding and illustrating to see where the story builds up to, I think the journey will be worth exploring, through objects, lyrics and personal drawing. Took about a week to link everything but it works. I only have figured the beginning of the story visually with a time line but next I will figure out the middle and the end. 

It’s like being a child again sitting with a picnic in my room sketching writing lyrics / poetry listening to music of all sorts. Just really getting in to the spirit of getting creative. Anyways we search we find. 

Thanks for following and il show next 
weeks process
Thanks for following! 

Less Ink More Love Brand, Miss Ikigai & Ukiyo studios LL (London/ Limassol)

“Less Ink More Love” Ikigai & Ukiyo Studios LL (London/Limassol) by Ria Katrina Pryke : Character Artist and Story board Artist / Remotely wks globally


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