Double Distinction Awarded.

I had to put this up right away it’s such a great result, I’ve worked solidly for two years doing amazing fashion designs and print designs. 

This would have not have been possible with out my tutor Maria Georgiou  supportive attitude, guidance and Self belief. Her imagination and character has made the course worth while to be on. I am honestly in gratitude as she pushed my capabilities and always challenged me and the group. She has her own experience in the fashion industry and her own abilities of how to be professional and on point. 

Also the multi cultural class I was in were very kind, supportive and shared many different skills sets, I learned a great deal from them in critique and forming friendships whether in group activity or alone we all suggested and developed together as a group and at home away from the studio in meetings online. 

Studio8 Limassol, has for me personally has been a supportive environment for my wellbeing and has all the equipment needed. Andreas Mavrogenis  has built up from his father the Studio8 starting from Theatre and set building. It had grown in to teaching Art and Design, Interiors, Fashion Design and many other courses. 

Anna Maliou has for me been so welcoming and kind hearted at reception, I will miss her smiley face always being there supportive of everyone. 

To the other teachers in graphics, interiors and art during my time there, they have always shown support even curiosity and kindness offering there time and advice as well. Such as joining figure drawing lessons or showing support towards the cat walk, or a mini chat outside for advice and guidance in the garden. 

Anyways I just want to say a big Thank You to everyone I met on my journey to Studio8. 

Not forgetting my dear friends I met at the beginning Marios and Theodora! Who have been supportive friends outside and in Studio8. 

I would not have this grade without the self belief from others. 

Much Love 
Ria Katrina.

Less Ink More Love Brand, Miss Ikigai & Ukiyo studios LL (London/ Limassol)

“Less Ink More Love” Ikigai & Ukiyo Studios LL (London/Limassol) by Ria Katrina Pryke : Character Artist and Story board Artist / Remotely wks globally


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